Tuesday, November 8, 2011

not in Kansas anymore...

or Alberta for that matter.  Agriculture in northern Queensland

Sugarcane field.  Harvest has just wrapped up so no canes.  Apparently it takes several months to harvest because it has to be processed on the same day that it is cut so only the amount that can be handled by the mill can be cut in one day.  Cane hauled to the mill on a narrow gauge railway system that runs beside the road.

Tea anyone?

You guessed it!  Bananas

One shoot produces one and only one bunch of bananas.  Once the bunch is harvested the shoot is cut off so the next one can develop.  You can see in this picture the progression - old cut shoots, this year's crop and next year's crop.  

Have you guessed yet?

Did you guess mango?  We've become lovers of mango.  They are so ripe and delicious this time of year.

The birds must really love these!  There were even recorded raptor sounding noises being broadcast across the field. Any guesses?  These are lychees.

 This was on our way to the coffee plantation.  Turns out you had to pay for a tour so we paid for coffee instead.

Recently harvested potato field.  That soil sure is red!

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