Friday, September 28, 2012

the doors of Gerace

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Location:Gerace, Reggio Calabria, Italy

September 28 - another day exploring.

We explored the area around Aspromonte National Park today and learned that all back roads are not created equal. Especially when ancient hill towns are in the way. I really challenged Wayne's driving skills today! Wish I had pictures of the narrow passage he maneuvered our trusted Alpha Romeo Giulietta through. Up hill through the wall - that 's all I asked - no big deal...

We were taking the back roads to the town of Gerace. It was listed on an Italian website as one of the most picturesque towns in Italy. Here's a view of the road up from above.

Looking down one the lower part of Gerace and the Med beyond.

At least we got a lovely caprese salad after all that stressful driving.

Here's my driving hero, doesn't look too traumatized.

I'll end today's post with a few creative shoots taken along the way.

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Location:Roccella Ionica,Italy

September 27 - more Italy through the back roads.

Another day of beautiful back roads.

Santa Severina - another fabulous hill town.

Olives ready for harvest

La Castella on the Med.

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Location:Driving from San Giovanni in Fiore to Roccella Jonica

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September 26 - a day of contrasts

Today we traveled from the heel to the toe and experienced some interesting contrasts.
From almost driving over a girl on her moped in Lecce rush hour traffic to breakfast in sleepy Porto Cesareo.

From the sea to the mountains

From being caught in traffic to being caught in goats

From corridors of apartment blocks to corridors of pines

From urban intensity to mountain village quiet.

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Location:Viale Repubblica,San Giovanni in Fiore,Italy

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

September 25 - the bottom of the heel.

Traveled south of Lecce today to explore the coast. First stop was the charming city of Otranto.

Then down the coast to the bottom of the heel.

Then over to the western coast and the charming city of Gallipoli...

...where I got a lesson in how to weave fishing baskets

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Location:Otranto, Gallipoli and in between.

September 24 - A day late

Started the day with a visit to a southern Italian fortified hill town - Ostuni. The native stone of the region is very white so the walls are very dramatic in the landscape.

Wayne, my trusty travel companion always at the ready to add scale.

just loved the colors in this shot.

Apparently if you aren't sure you can parallel park correctly in Italy you just kind of fake it and if there are no spots left you just double park. You are always be your way before they are, right?

Quick stop at a regional nature preserve that happened to have a wonderful beach.

We thought we were being so smart when we booked a B&B with free parking near the city center until we tried to get there.

Look up Lecce on google earth and zoom in on the walled center. We drove along most of those streets, some of them several times, some we should have been driving and some we should definitely have avoided. Now this is an experience to test a 30 year marriage!!

We were visiting Lecce because it was supposed to have excellent baroque architecture and it does, beautiful!

Number of church's within Lecce's walls - 18
Condom vending machines - 1

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Location:Ostuni and Lecce

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 24 - note to self, don't believe GPS in Italian towns.

Hello all, no pictures today because the wifi is pretty slow in our Lecce B & B. have to be on the roof just to check mail. Had a good day though, visiting the hilltop town of Ostuni, the port in Brindisi, and Lecce. The center of all these places are just not right for cars. We had quite an adventure getting to our B & B. I guess Wayne will have some good driving stories to tell at dinners for a while.

Tomorrow we explore Otranto and the countryside of the heel. Hope to have great photos for you then.

Thanks for tuning in.

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Location:Piazzetta Regina Maria,Lecce,Italy

Sunday, September 23, 2012

September 23 - Journey to Puglia

No dramas getting down the street through the pedestrians this morning. Only a few toes crushed and I think they were cruise ship tourists not locals.

One last look as we make our way to Salerno and the autostrada. Hope to visit the Amalfi coast again some day.

there are beautiful hill towns throughout Italy we are learning. This is near Tolve. Don't know the exact town.

Our first sighting of the vernacular architecture of the Pulgia region. The structures are called trulli. Further on the landscape was dotted with excellent examples. Did not get the best shots today. Maybe tomorrow.

A bit of a tourist trap in Locorotondo. The structures are beautiful.

Wish there could have been a better shot of this perfect white laundry hanging in the trulli rooftops - the best I could do from we're we had access.

The square in Locorotondo was elaborately decorated with intricate metalwork and thousands of lights. Made me want to stick around until Christmas time to see it lit up.

First view of the Adriatic coast. The green is olive groves and oaks.

Our perfect beachfront B&B. We did not book ahead. This is the experiment in spontaneity. Not sure it is going to work for us but we will give it a try. Had to wait for an hour outside the gate for someone to show up to let us in. Rossella spoke as much English as we speak Italian but we managed to get keys to bring the car through two gates and got settled in a lovely room. Sitting on the rooftop deck looking at the moon while writing this post. More pics of the B&B follow.

Yes! That is a shower headboard. Interesting!

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