Started the day with a visit to a southern Italian fortified hill town - Ostuni. The native stone of the region is very white so the walls are very dramatic in the landscape.

Wayne, my trusty travel companion always at the ready to add scale.

just loved the colors in this shot.

Apparently if you aren't sure you can parallel park correctly in Italy you just kind of fake it and if there are no spots left you just double park. You are always be your way before they are, right?

Quick stop at a regional nature preserve that happened to have a wonderful beach.

We thought we were being so smart when we booked a B&B with free parking near the city center until we tried to get there.

Look up Lecce on google earth and zoom in on the walled center. We drove along most of those streets, some of them several times, some we should have been driving and some we should definitely have avoided. Now this is an experience to test a 30 year marriage!!

We were visiting Lecce because it was supposed to have excellent baroque architecture and it does, beautiful!

Number of church's within Lecce's walls - 18
Condom vending machines - 1

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
Location:Ostuni and Lecce