One last look as we make our way to Salerno and the autostrada. Hope to visit the Amalfi coast again some day.

there are beautiful hill towns throughout Italy we are learning. This is near Tolve. Don't know the exact town.

Our first sighting of the vernacular architecture of the Pulgia region. The structures are called trulli. Further on the landscape was dotted with excellent examples. Did not get the best shots today. Maybe tomorrow.

A bit of a tourist trap in Locorotondo. The structures are beautiful.

Wish there could have been a better shot of this perfect white laundry hanging in the trulli rooftops - the best I could do from we're we had access.

The square in Locorotondo was elaborately decorated with intricate metalwork and thousands of lights. Made me want to stick around until Christmas time to see it lit up.

First view of the Adriatic coast. The green is olive groves and oaks.

Our perfect beachfront B&B. We did not book ahead. This is the experiment in spontaneity. Not sure it is going to work for us but we will give it a try. Had to wait for an hour outside the gate for someone to show up to let us in. Rossella spoke as much English as we speak Italian but we managed to get keys to bring the car through two gates and got settled in a lovely room. Sitting on the rooftop deck looking at the moon while writing this post. More pics of the B&B follow.

Yes! That is a shower headboard. Interesting!
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Looks really great. Love the view from the rooftop deck. Wine & Drugs? I guess you really can't say anymore about that. A package deal, I suppose.